Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Updating my blog...

Dear my beloved customer,

Sorry for the delay in updating my blog due to works load..i was preparing my orders..I realized that I haven't been consistently updating this blog but thank 2 those who spent their times into this humble blog and guess what?? it made me realized that from now, i promise myself this blog will be updated for at least once a week...;-). thanx 2 u guys for waken me..

I love everything about dessert..;-). Kdg2 rs susah nye nk thn godaan..the temptation...huhuhu...tak blh tahan...
I start kerja dlm Food & beverage industry ni almost 10yrs ago.. berhenti sekejap bila Mama berharap I further study, buat kerja mcm org lain..kat off 9-5.. tak mahu jd anak derhaka, ku turutkan saja..hehehe. Tapi tak boleh stop la, asik pk pasal nk start joint blk F & B je.. Masa sibuk2 kerja jd banker..I pun dah start joint karnival, buka booth sini sana serve dessert..finally..;-). Thn my Bff yg ajak joint class cupcake..dpt tambah menu...hehehe.

I' m so grateful to my dearest hubby for always being so supportive..always stand near me when i need him the most.. I Love u so much, dear.. My beloved unforgettable sweetie, i take this opportunity to say how much i lovvee you.. you are my joy, my anger and everything about you completed my life..(walaupun asyik kena bebel... hehe) 
To my sifu & my BFF, thanks 4 all ur kindness. Both of helpful and so patience and i appreciated it a lot!!  sape bleh thn dgn bdk baru blaja ni..hehehe

 I wish.. in future, my dream is to open up my own shop... come true.. Amin.. and i could also serve MORE and LOT More varieties of dessert  to my customer...until then Do wish me luck..;-D ciow..

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